how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

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"I'm one of your customers. I bought your book 3 years ago now? because it was a nice dream and a very real possibility to live in a van. Last June I had to leave my husband and I was thrown into living in my truck. Because I had your book and had studied it, I knew what I was doing and was confident I could make this work. I eventually made way to Salt Lake City. The truck eventually broke and now I have a van. Not exactly like in your book, but it suits my needs as I live this lifestyle. I have many aggressive goals and have begun fictionalizing all of my adventures since this has all happened. I have a good job. I am vanaboding. Granted, I can't travel too far from my job. However, I am the envy of one of my co-workers. I feel free and stay in more than one place. I've learned a lot about street smarts and safety and all that jazz, being a single woman doing this on my own. But it wasn't like this in the beginning. I was just sitting here tinkering with a possible eBook of my own, where I would cite you as the "bible" of all things living in your van. I was just sitting here toying with the idea --in my van!-- watching the thunderstorm over the mountain and wanted to reach out and let you know how I was doin'. Thanks again for you book. It's been more than a help and I just wanted to let you know it's really saved my a$$." Sincerely" Mitsy

"Good afternoon Jason, I have purchased your book "Vanabode happily camp, travel and live forever on $20 a day". I'm about half way through your book and am enjoying it immensely. My current situation: My husband of 30 years decided that he didn't want to be married to me anymore. I currently have a part-time gig teaching math, and I'm hoping to have full time position with another on-line provider in the fall. So I'm investigating traveling around the country for about a year (or ever, depending on if I like it) seeing the sights; just me and my dog (sounds like a country song, eh?). I need to spend the next few months - probably closer to next Spring/Summer but maybe January if the stars aline Finalizing the divorce. . .funny how he wants the divorce but I'm doing all the work. Finding a van, outfitting, and practicing for this trip Determining just what kind of setup I need to teach on-line. Determining if I can tutor over the internet . . .So the upshot is that I'm going to take you up on your offer to help, so expect the questions" K

"Hi Jason, I recently bought your book for my Kindle Fire and must say that it is extremely well written and a page turner. I'm very fickle when it comes to reading books so if I can't get through the whole sample without being fully engrossed I usually delete it. However, I love your book. Your book really speaks to me. I live in a cramped studio apartment in Queens, NY for $1,200/month. I work in Manhattan. I have plans to return to my family in upstate NY within the next year and embark on studying for a career in nursing. I'm 40 years old and at one point had $26,000 in credit card debt. That was 2005. But now I have none, just some grad school debt that is very manageable. I have been able to save about $30,000 over the past 5 years and would like to find a way to live cheaply while I go back to school for the next two years. My mother has a spare bedroom in her house that I could rent but I'm just sick of paying rent. I've been a renter for the past 13 years and it makes me sick to think of how much money I have given to other people, making them richer and me poorer. I am still single and pretty much a free spirit. I enjoy being alone most of the time, although I do have a girlfriend to keep me company. I don't want to go back to renting while I'm in school because that means I'll need to also work a job. But school will be intense so not sure whether I want the burden of a job. By the time I head back upstate I should easily have $40,000 in total savings. I'm sure I'll get a better idea of budgeting and what type of van is most suitable for my situation once I read the entire book. At this point, I don't think van living is doable in NYC because of the limited space to park, the noise factor, and the danger. But I'm thinking that upstate NY would be more conducive to such living. Plus, as I mentioned I'm a free spirit and would love to be able to take long drives, perhaps down the east coast when I have a break from school. Just wanted to let you know that there are people like me out there that you have inspired. Let's keep in touch. Thanks"Joe

" I plan on traveling now that my kids are grown and out of the house. I want to visit every national, state and county park in the country. I also plan to visit every restaurant that Guy Fieri has featured on his show Dinners, Drive-ins and Dives :) I love the Vanabode book. Having lived out of a tent (on purpose) for an extended period of time twice in my life (6 weeks in eastern high desert of Oregon, and 3 1/2 months in the Colorado Rockies, I can appreciate the convenience of keeping things simple and efficient. Thanks for the info!" Mike Smeaton

"Thanks for your prompt response and generosity!! I could not put the book(computer) down before reading the book from start to finish! As I said, you are living my dream and the dream of many others, I am sure! Best regards" Karl

"Man, you two are liven' it right! I'm about halfway into the book, and you've really done something unique here. Not only are you showcasing a new and very smart way to live, but you're intelligently presenting a VERY convincing case for doing it, and you're giving instructions all along the way. You're a skilled writer, you're setting a fantastic example, and I'm thankful for your writing and guidance! All the best," Eric

"Hi J, love your book, what I thought will never happen seems like it will soon. I Have your book my daughter purchased it for me, since I have been wanting to do what you are doing for years. I am 55 yrs old lost my job of 16 yrs now I have nothing that ties me down. I can't wait to disappear. Great book its helping me to get prepared - all I need is to find a van that does not brake my bank. Can you put me on your mailing list for the updates my email...then follow up email = Hi J I am Moving along with my plans.... slowly but surly...You told me to let you know how I got your book, well it was funny... I was thinking and thinking about doing this how, when, what would my family and friend think? She has gone crazy, the lost of her job has made her insane in the main brain, hurry lock her up. My ex thought so, some of my friend did also but knowing the my daughter was a gipsy my flowerchild I got the guts and called her up a gently told her that I was tired of corporate America that I was tired of paying a mortgage and I was about to loss my little villa after 15 years and that I was thinking of getting a conversion van and hit the road. Silent on the other side.... helloooo...hellooo well if your tired of corporate America I know how much you have sacrificed, how many hours you worked and that you have been working since you were 15 years old, no husband no kids I say you are entitled to do what ever you want GO for ittttt, I support you, I have been there you deserve to be there we can invert roles. Sorry for the long story but I am a proud mama or as we call each other "mami" which means mom in Spanish I was born in Miami Florida but my parents are from Venezuela and I lived there from 12yrs @ 21 I came back with $2000 in my pocket without knowing anyone and here I am. 55 yrs finally I think I am going to get to see the real AMERICAN DREAMMMMM!" Thanks Jackie

"Hello Jason, We purchased your book back in February and were swept away! Our family and friends think we are nuts, but we know the Vanabode lifestyle is for us. About us: We have been married 16 years and have 2 kids still at home, I am 40 and my husband is 38. In 2008 we sold our restaurant & our home and moved near friends. After visiting a few times we decided a change is exactly what we needed even though we didn't have jobs lined up, we just moved. This is partly why we are not afraid of making a drastic change we both are confident in our skills that make it easy to find jobs. I was doing research on Zion and cheap camping Ideas when I came across your website and then purchased your book. After lots of looking we purchased a 2006 Ford E250 extended, we installed 2 more chairs for the kids and my husband transferred the bed platform and storage he had made for his F250 truck to the van for a temporary camping experience. Then off to Zion for our first trip we left on Memorial day! On the first day we hiked to the emerald pools than hung out at the river in the campground, second day we hiked to Observation point. The third day we were so pumped about checking out the Narrows. Our trip was cut short that day when on our way back through Orderville Canyon I broke my leg jumping into Veiled falls above Moki steps. The Zion Rescue team had to come get me and float me out! That is a long story in itself! Zion was Awesome and we will be back for the rest of our vacation! I really want to quit my job and vanabode successfully. We are not jumping into it lightly, we are carefully planning it out. The kids know this as "The 7 year plan"! In the mean time we will be practicing in the van with and without the kids. I'm working on my first website laid up at home with a broken leg. Sincerely" Shari

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