how to live and travel the world from your van

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Vanabode Book Chapters

2 - Table of Contents
3 - Using This Book, links to additional pictures, email support, personal help
4 - Vanabode Overview what you will use and what you will do to achieve everything
7 - Vanabode philosophy discover why this lifestyle is so unique and sustainable
10 - Where do We Live? You do not live in a house
13 - Vanabode Versus Other Ways to Live, which is better and why?
19 - We Never Own Anything greed driven ownership does not work
22 - Simplify in order to have more time you eliminate every thief
26 - The Van choices, vehicle outfitting, setup, each element affects everything
35 - Essentials of a Great Life how to satisfy all your needs while traveling
37 - Food covers food storage, cooking, purchase strategies, choices, budget, more
46 - Sleeping and Parking is important, how to choose a good parking spot for sleeping
51 - Personal Hygiene covers bathing, showering, shaving, toilet time
59 - Sex strategies for reviving romance and maintaining a great sex life while traveling
62 - Protection from the Elements demonstrates the advantages of a Vanabode
64 - Fun prioritize your pleasure by minimizing hassles and stress
66 - Navigation devices, strategies, where to go, and how to get around
68 - Discretion how to tactfully protect your interests while traveling
70 - Budget Vanabode style of travel and cost of living explained
75 - Mail, State Residency how to handle it when you are traveling indefinitely
77 - Laundry tactics and strategies for keeping your clothes clean
79 - National Park Camping special strategies to ensure successful trips to big parks
82 - Weather temperature and timing issues are extremely important
86 - Safety and Security weapons, security strategies, and safety guidelines
89 - What is stopping you? shows how to travel in spite of any challenge
95 - Disappear start your life over, eliminate debt, reengineer everything, take control
96 - Making Money While Traveling how to earn money while mobile
99 - Inventory what to take with you, how much it costs, and why
114 - Sample Itinerary sample trip ranging from 74 to 141 days up to 4,200 miles
117 - Jason's Terms philosophical points and travel related terms defined
120 - Jason's Travel Heritage I invented the Vanabode lifestyle, but do I live it?
122 - Extras for Vanabode book owners, income opportunities, networks, and affiliates
123 - Most Important Page in the Book long term travel resources, very important
124 - God maintaining this relationship makes any life meaningful
Online Travel Destinations - This final "chapter" is actually a link to hundreds of destination pages I have written that covers where to go, what to see, pictures, advice, what to expect, weather conditions, cost, and more.

camping with dogs picture

None of us have as much time as we think. Don't put off your dreams any longer. Get a copy of Vanabode today so you can get out and have some fun this year for sure!

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click to buy Vanabode which shows you how to happily live, travel and camp in your van forever on $20 a day

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