how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Lake Erie Westfield Daniel Reed Memorial Pier on $20 a day

This is part of an 18 week, 7,532 mile, Vanabode road trip detailed in the book from Amazon
titled Big City Wild Country East Coast Road Trip on $20 a Day for just $2.99
See East Coast Road Trip for more pictures, itinerary, maps and trip overview.

A few hours later we find the perfect spot at the Daniel Reed Memorial Pier and beach in the lake front town of Westfield New York. Lake Erie is stunning (look at that water below). Water visibility is 12+ feet. Flat car sized rocks line the bottom of the lake and minnows and shrimp swim slowly past us.


Daniel Reed Memorial Pier New York

cemetary near Lake Erie in Westfield

Above: We ate here in a cemetery along the water (see background) before visiting Lake Erie.

Above: Now that's a first class travel partner, friend, lover, wife, woman, piece of work all rolled into one glorious package right there. If you think Vanabode travel is just for men, think again. Women LOVE to travel and it makes for seriously romantic days and nights.

sasquatch on beach in new york

Above: Sasquatch sighting in New York near a little waterfall. When it rains this little drip quickly turns into a serious deluge, fun for playing on the beach. We sit in the sun, lounge in the shade, and perch on twenty foot long, telephone pole sized, driftwood tree logs. The water is perfectly still and cool at about seventy degrees according to my torso, but absolutely perfect on this sunny hot eighty five degree day.

girl on beach of lake erie

Above: WOW! No, I mean the little waterfall runoff right on the beach, the pretty clean sand, the cliffs and tree cover for shade.....riiiiiiiiiight.

girl in water in lake erie

That's my wife Kelly up ahead in the water. You can walk as far as you dare around dozens of cliffs. Fifty feet of sand, pebble, and gravel ribbons of beach, blend one to the next. Trees cling to the rocky bluffs above us and provide welcome shade over periodic sections of the hot sand.

cliffs on lake erie for swimming and family fun

Above: We swim, play on the rocks, tickle each other senseless, skip rocks across the lake, take pictures, and drink lots of water. I watch a black spiny three-foot long fish frolic on the surface seventy yards offshore using my one-dollar binoculars.

Above: We staged the tongue in cheek picture I use for the cover of this book here. It felt good in the sun with the cold water all around.

For thousands of unforgettable experiences on this affordable 18 week 7,500 mile road trip
Click to see the book "Big City Wild Country East Coast Road Trip on $20 a Day"
from Amazon

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