how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Travel With Kids

Traveling with kids or children as they are known in first world countries can be difficult for those that do not know how to get started. The Zapp family have been on their version of a Vanabode journey for over 12 years, driving over 200,000 miles through more than 30 countries. The longest trip I ever took my little ones on was an 8,000 mile 5 week rv vacation around the United States. I love the Zapps Swiss Family Robinson approach to living a fantastic life with children.

The most incredible part is they did not allow the addition of children to their flock to stifle them, limit them, or force them to hunker down and mortgage away their life with a house purchase. In fact their 4 children were actually born on the road. Instead they realized that bringing up a child while travel camping, traveling and seeking out incredible adventures, and spending big amounts of time out in the great outdoors was the true answer to an education.

  zapp family travel world picture

The Zapp family knows all about this and has concentrated on meeting the real needs of their family instead of the needs that our popular culture and media have told us to address. But what about school, you ask? They home school them 2 hours in the morning. But what about safety? As shown in the Personal Safety chapter it is actually SAFER to travel via Vanabode than it is to stay at home. This is a fact and the book shows you how and why.

The Zapps got started like so many: young lovers locked into a house and jobs. Then they decided to take a huge trip from Buenos Aires Argentina all the way up to Alaska: a road trip of some 40,000+ miles. This journey took them into a new world of learning, loving, and pure romance on a daily basis. This is one of the areas I cover in the book. How can you say you are "living in a house" when the only time you have a great time is when you go on vacation for 2 weeks a year AWAY from the house.

1928 graham paige car picture  

No. Most people live when they are having a NEW experience, new fun, new sights, new smells, new foods, and seeing new wildlife, and new rivers, and new lakes, and new oceans, and new mountains, and new forests, and fantastic art and architecture for the first time in cities most people only dream of.

Photo shows Graham Paige automobile similar to the one the Zapps used to Vanabode the world without jobs.

Zapps Website

They have spent years in cool countries like Australia, Korea, Thailand, the United States, Japan, Canada and even the twin islands of New Zealand. They fund their lifelong journey with the sales from Candelaria Zapp and the book they put together that covers some of their travels. This is one of many strategies for income I cover in Vanabode. They don't use the kind of Vanabode I recommend for clandestine travel in the US, but rather bought a 1928 Graham Paige car and traveled in a full view high profile version. Most nights they overnighted and slept in strangers houses as they roamed the world. I do not recommend this and that is why the structure outlined in Vanabode appeals to some. I provide the method for camping and traveling cheap and sleeping safely in your own bed every night while traveling with kids.

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