how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Road Trip

Road Trips require some planning to be successful. I should know as I have been on road trips that lasted for years. Seriously, my wife and I have traveled over 700,000 miles in 21+ years. Highway holidays are certainly worth investing a little time and money to do right because they are the easiest and funnest way to spend your vacation time. You will get more fun for less money on a properly planned road trip than any other form of travel, especially in the United States where the highway system is superb.

I like to go on super long road trips lasting from a month to a year at a time so I developed the Vanabode method of travel. Many, including my wife and I, have went so far as to implement the techniques outlined in the Vanabode book and live for years without a house or normal 9-5 job. You just won't need or want a normal house and job when you are having so much fun exploring America; the most geographically diverse country in the world. You can camp, travel and live forever anywhere on $20 a day if you follow my strategies.

To go on a successful road trip you need to address the Essentials of a Great Life and the issues of cost. If you fail to address any of these correctly you will fail, nobody will have fun, and the trip will be a regret instead of a fantastic memory to be enjoyed for the rest of your life. The Essentials of a Great Life include satisfying all your life's needs while traveling comfortably. You need a solid proven plan that includes Great Food, Good Sleep, Good Personal Hygiene, Sex, and Protection from the Elements. There are complete chapters in the book covering each of these critical areas. There is also information on hundreds of places and ways to earn money while camping all over the United States on your road trip.

vanabode food choices

The Vanabode lifestyle allows you to find, afford and purchase high quality, organic, specialty foods sold in farmers markets all over the United States. Fresh grapefruit, heirloom and grape tomatoes, cold snap pees, avocado, dates, olive oils, and goat cheese make a great healthy afternoon lunch. If you Vanabode you will eat better than you ever have because you will have the time to shop the best locations and the money to buy healthy.

Check out Vanabode and experience the rush today or visit the main travel page for even more details on this incredible lifestyle. You will not be disappointed no matter where you go on your next road trip.

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