how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Recreational Vehicle Park

Recreational Vehicle Park is any site, tract or parcel of land on which facilities have been developed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational vehicles. Such a park may be developed or owned by a private, public or non-profit. RV Parks run just like hotels and motels do, on reservations. There will always be a check in time and a check out time requirement. In other words, they are a hassle. If you want to have a relaxed schedule then you don't want to stay at a recreational vehicle park. When you lock yourself into an RV Park you will find it more troublesome than first expected. By now you might be asking, where do I camp then? You camp anywhere and everywhere, that's where. It's called Vanabode. And it's the easiest and most convenient way to travel, camp, and live.

picture taken while driving through King's Canyon National Park

This photo was taken while driving in King's Canyon National Park. The scent of the pine forest filled the air this summer day. It is a breeze to stop and pull over on a whim with Vanabode. Traveling all over in the Vanabode lifestyle allows you to find beautiful unpolluted places which in turn will make you feel brand new.

It is natural for us to want to venture out and discover something new. And there is no better way to do this than to Vanabode. It allows you to travel and camp in comfort while still being the venturer you have always wanted to be. Don't put yourself in a position where you are unhappy day after day, wishing you were somewhere else or stuck in a recreational vehicle park that you wish you could escape from. This lifestyle truly is freeing. It opens up your eyes and shows you opportunities you didn't know where possible. It brings out your hidden strengths too.

There are many people that don't know how to camp without a recreational vehicle park and still retain the life's essentials. And just because you don't want an RV park doesn't mean that you have to leave the fun of the city life behind. Vanabode allows you to be connected or disconnected whichever you are searching for. And sleeping on your own bed is one of the important factors to enjoying your journey. While we have been traveling for more than 10 years we have worked diligently at making it easier to travel on about $20 a day.

picture taken of waterfront dining in sausilito california

Photo shows waterfront dining in Sausilito California. After walking the shops and town of Sausilito we ate waterside with San Francisco in the distance. From there we took a nice quiet nap in our Vanabode. No one was the wiser and we woke up refreshed and ready for a concert in San Francisco. This is the type of daily schedule you can have with the right strategies. Traveling all over in the Vanabode lifestyle allows you to experience beautiful places. If you Vanabode you will feel better than you ever have.

The freedom Vanabode gives you is hard for some people to grasp. It has never been easier to attend festivals or sporting events all over the country. It is the most favored way to travel to all of the national parks too. You are never too old or too young to start your dream of traveling. This is your answer. No reservations required. Every day is a new beginning to enjoy this beautiful earth so why spend unwanted time in a recreational vehicle park.

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