how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Dry Camp

Dry camp simply means to camp anywhere without amenities. This is a primitive way to camp. It is uncomfortable and not sustainable. When you make the decision to dry camp you don't always know what to pack or what to expect. For all intents and purposes dry camping is spending most of the hours of the day in the harsh elements. Weather is unpredictable so you need to be prepared for extreme heat, drastically dropping temperatures, thunderstorms and wind gusts. Maybe weather is not your concern but rather creepy crawlers or biting insects. And a top concern for people who dry camp are wild animals that roam around at night with only a sheet of nylon separating them.

A lot of people don't know how to camp and still retain the luxuries of life's essentials. And just because you want to dry camp doesn't mean that you have to leave the pleasures of the city life behind. Vanabode allows you to be as simple or as connected as you desire. However, sleeping on your own bed is one of the important factors to enjoying your journey. While we have been traveling for more than 10 years we have worked diligently at making it easier to travel on about $20 a day.

Here we are enjoying a hike at the Las Vegas Wash in the Mojave Dessert near Las Vegas. The wash is a natural wetlands. What you expect and what you actually find will always blow your mind while Vanaboding. Being able to recreate during a week day is the highlight of our travels. I don't mind crowds but when I'm out in nature hiking or mountain biking I don't want to to feel like I'm at theme park.

You don't need to learn how to dry camp but rather how to Vanabode. You will still have the adventure and spontaneity but without the frustration of a tent, hassle of a campground or the fear of a wild carnivorous beast. Traveling and sleeping in safety, privacy and comfort are all explained in Vanabode. This lifestyle enables you to immediately feel free with expedite trail blazing. Whether you enjoy kayaking, climbing, hiking or mountain biking. After all of that invigorating adventure you get to snuggle in your own comfy bed with the sound of crickets singing you to sleep and awakening to the lovely songbird in the morning to do it all over again. Talk about bliss.

Everyone needs to take a positive direction in his or her life no matter who we are, our age or where we are in our career. Vanabode is a life awakening experience. It enables you to be the person who journeys near or far. See the dunes in the desert at least once in your life. Take a full day to hike a trail in Yellowstone. Snorkeling all day in Key West and sitting on the beach watching the sunset is a perfect day. Or get a little more aggressive and spend a month in San Francisco. All of these scenarios are possible. I know because we have taken all of these trips. There really is a right way to dry camp.

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