how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Cheap Van Camping

Cheap van camping has never been easier. After traveling over 700,000 miles in 15+ years I decided to write the book on how we do it. Fact: if you follow the super simple but rarely understood guidelines I outline in the new book Vanabode you will have more fun for less money than any other form of travel known to man. In fact I have proven over and over that you can HAPPILY and COMFORTABLY camp, travel and live forever on $20 a day by cheap van camping.

To truly experience the best that cheap travel has to offer you must not neglect the Essentials of a Great Life or the issue of cost. If you fail to address these you will fail. Fortunately I cover them all in great detail - The Essentials of a Great Life include Great Food, Good Sleep, Good Personal Hygiene, Healthy Sex, and Protection from the Elements. There are complete chapters in the book covering each of these critical areas. I also include info on hundreds of places and ways to earn money while camping all over the United States for those that are broke.

In Vanabode I explain the positive and the negative of every real form of travel and lifestyle used in the US. From homeless backpackers to houseboaters, from motorhome retirees to car camping, from mortgage bound slaves to renters in regret; I cover them all and offer indisputable proof that the Vanabode method of travel and living is far superior to all others. Why? Well, because it is safer, faster, cheaper, more comfortable, and can be done for longer periods of time than the all other methods. It is unquestionably more fun than nearly every other method of cheap travel there is.

Variety Makes Vanabode Cheap Van Camping Unbeatable

Vanabode shows you how to have it all on less than you spend staying home and doing nothing! From the finest art galleries in America to rugged national parks; from sandy seashores to desert rocky mountains; from small towns to big cities; from wild life to wild times; you will not be disappointed.

Photos above show how the Vanabode lifestyle allows you to take in a variety of interests affordably and easily. If you Vanabode the way I lay it out for you in the book you will have time to do whatever YOU want to do, and you will have the money to do it FOREVER.

buy vanabode book

Purchase Vanabode and experience the fun today or visit van camping for more details on this incredible lifestyle. You will not be disappointed when it comes to a complete lifestyle change or cheap van camping.

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click to buy Vanabode which shows you how to happily live, travel and camp in your van forever on $20 a day

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