how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Cheap Travel Destinations

Cheap travel destinations? Are you kidding? Guess what? EVERY destination is cheap if you learn how to Vanabode. I traveled 700,000+ miles in over fifteen years. I wrote the book on to do it. Simply follow the rarely understood guidelines I outline in the new book Vanabode you will have more fun for less money than any other form of travel known to man. I have proven over and over that you can happily and comfortably camp, travel and live forever on $20 a day!

When searching for cheap travel destinations most are looking for that once in lifetime place to fly to for $200 or less then rent a hotel room for $200 - $400 more to shack up in for 4 days before flying back. Sorry, just because that's the way many Americans take a vacation does not make it right. It is absolutely the worst way to recreate the romance in your marriage, to rekindle the joy of life, or refresh yourself from months of hard work and daily chores.

I discuss Romance Wasting in the my original discussion and it plays out like this: You plan all year for a measly 5-7 day vacation hoping to cram in a wonderful romantic cruise with your spouse. You rush to the airport, then to the cruise port, eating up your first day entirely. You saved all year to afford this one week off and now you're still pinching pennies while on vacation. Why? Because your normal lifestyle does not allow for much additional savings beyond the air and cruise tickets. Half way through the week it starts raining, or one of you gets diarrhea brought on by the unfamiliar surroundings, food and water.

Huddled up in a hotel room in front of a mindless television, it all of a sudden feels like the same old thing all over again. Bored, and realizing this is it, there are no more fun days for another year, lovers begin to blame each other. Arguments brew, discontentment and a feeling of fear that life is disappearing comes over you both. Finally the sun comes out and you spend the last day under an umbrella on a crowded beach to keep from getting more sunburned than you already are.

Back home you realize that for most of the time you were on vacation you were not present on your vacation. You were either sleeping, going to and from the cruise, stuck watching television, fielding phone calls from the office, answering emails on day to day nothings, or posing for awful pictures you will later upload to Facebook to show all your friends the great time you had. Everybody knows it is all a lie though. We've all been down this road before. We have all wasted the romance because we thought we could buy with money from a travel agency what only extended periods of time can give us.

So instead of wasting money every year for a very inadequate vacation try Vanaboding. You can travel and really explore this fantastic country for long periods of time on much less than you would spend staying home doing nothing. Make the entire country your very own playground and skip the other pathetic cheap travel destinations.

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