how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Cheap Student Travel

Cheap student travel was once hard to come by. Sure some companies offer discounts but by the time you add everything up you end paying over $100 day for next to nothing. Now though, it is possible for a student or anyone else on a tight budget to happily and comfortably camp, travel and live forever on $20 a day! EVERY destination is cheap if you learn how to Vanabode. My wife and I traveled 700,000+ miles in over fifteen years, many times our with our kids. I wrote the book on how to do it. Simply follow the rarely understood guidelines I outline in Vanabode and you will have more fun for less money than any other cheap travel.

Students are typically cash poor but often have a lot of time between semesters. This presents the dilemma: how can I travel all over the United States since I have the time to, without spending money I don't have? The answer is to Vanabode; to be on an adventure without sacrifice. You can have all the essentials that make a life enjoyable: excellent food, laughter, fun, big romantic adventures, healthy sex, protection from the weather, and a good nights sleep at very little cost. The best thing is it is sustainable: you can happily, safely and affordably Vanabode for many years or even for the rest of your life.

If you are looking for cheap student travel options this is it. Seriously there is no other way to see so much for so little money. It is safe, fun, romantic, adventurous and completely spelled out step by step in the book. This lifestyle and travel style is about cost reduction and the enhancement of your life by spending time living a fun life rather than spending money trying to buy a fun life.

walking though the gardens at Huntington Library California picture

Image above shows some cool trees on a walk through the Huntington Library in southern California. When we travel like this it affords us the opportunity to hit all the big national parks, as well as museums and big cities like San Francisco and Las Vegas. Pick from ANY city or destination or road trip filled with many places and you can do it all on $20 a day.

Here's what the owner of Smart Hiking and Camping Tips said about Vanabode "The author articulates a philosophy of minimalist travel and living which minimizes expenses and responsibilities, while maximizing freedom, fun and adventure. He emphasizes simplicity - carefully thinking through what is truly necessary and eliminating what is not in order to stay free, unencumbered and happy."

Instead of wasting money every year for a one week drunken spring break try Vanaboding. You can travel and really explore this fantastic country for long periods of time on much less than you would spend staying home doing nothing. Make the entire country your very own playground and skip the expensive stuff. There are hundreds of pictures and extras available starting on the main page for cheap student travel.

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click to buy Vanabode which shows you how to happily live, travel and camp in your van forever on $20 a day

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