how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Caravan Parks

Caravan Parks are a place where people with caravans, also known as recreational vehicles, can stay overnight, or longer in allotted spaces known as "pitches" or "sites" . They are also referred to as campgrounds. However, caravan parks run on reservations just like motels and hotels do. There are and will always be check in times and check out times. This is quite a hassle when you are on a time schedule. Even when you aren't on a schedule it is a hassle. If you want to have a relaxed trip then you don't want to stay at caravan parks. When you lock yourself into all caravan parks you will find it more troublesome than you might have first expected. So then, where do you camp then? You camp anywhere and everywhere, that's where. It's called Vanabode. And it's the easiest and most convenient way to travel, camp, and live.

picture taken in fort myers beach

This photo was taken in Fort Myers Beach. You can fish off the pier or just sit and enjoy the activities happening all around. The Gulf waters reach temperatures close to 90 degrees in the summer. Traveling all over in the Vanabode lifestyle allows you to find beautiful unpolluted places which in turn will make you feel brand new.

It is only natural for us to want to venture out and discover new things. And there is no better way to do this than to Vanabode. It allows you to travel and caravan in comfort while still being the globetrotter you have always wanted to be. You want to get out of that position where you are unhappy day after day, wishing you were somewhere else or stuck in a caravan park that you wish you could leave. This lifestyle is truly freeing. It shows you many opportunities you didn't know where possible for you to experience as well as bringing to the surface your strengths.

There are many people that don't know how to camp without a caravan parks while continuing to retain all the essentials of life and its luxuries. And just because you don't want to caravan park doesn't mean that you have to leave the exciting city life in the dust. Vanabode allows you to be disconnected in the wilderness or connected to a bustling metropolis, whatever turns you on. All the while sleeping on your own bed. This is one of the important elements to enjoying your trip. We have been traveling for more than 10 years and we have worked diligently at making it easier to travel on about $20 a day.

picture taken in daytona beach at sunset

Picture taken at sunset in Daytona Beach with the lighthouse in the background. The Atlantic Ocean always has waves for surfing or kiteboarding. And during the summer months you can surf until 9 p.m. due to daylight savings time. With the right strategies you can enjoy the beach all year. Traveling all over in the Vanabode lifestyle allows you to be in this picture in just a short period of time.

The freedom and memorable experience Vanabode gives you is difficult for some people to grasp. It has never been easier to explore a city, attend festivals or music festivals or a national park. This is the best way to travel throughout. You are never too old or too young to start your dream to travel for short or long periods of time. Hands down, this is your answer. No reservations required and no check in times will ever be cross your mind. You come and go as you please. Every day is your chance to start a new life of enjoying this beautiful earth so why spend unwanted time in caravan parks.

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