how to live, travel and explore the world from your van


Campsites don't give you the freedom you are searching for. They run just like hotels and motels do, on reservations. They have a check in time and a check out time requirement. They are a hassle. If you want to have a lax schedule then you don't want to stay at a campsite. When you lock yourself to a campsite you will find it more troublesome than first expected. You might be asking, where do I camp then? You camp everywhere, that's where. It's called Vanabode. And it's the easiest and most convenient way to travel, camp, and live.

What you need is the time and money to go everywhere, anytime, cheaply. Your time is very valuable and with todays busy schedules it's hard to find time to go on vacation or even change up your lifestyle a bit. Vanabode gives you your time and life back. And the other exciting news is that you will spend about $20 a day living this sensational life. You can camp anywhere so don't think you have to follow the crowd to a numbered plot in a crowded campsite. Don't waste your time setting up a campsite when you could already be out there hiking and exploring or sightseeing in a new city.

Golden Gate Bridge Sunset in San Francisco picture

This is a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset. We stayed one month in San Francisco Vanaboding the entire time. We like to experience what different cities have to offer whether it be museums, botanical gardens or just the culinary side of it. So you see you don't have to be disconnected from the real world while Vanaboding.

Our human nature is to venture out and discover something new. And there is no better way to do this than to Vanabode. It allows you to travel and camp in comfort while still being the trailblazer you have always wanted to be. Don't let yourself be miserable day in and day out wishing you were somewhere else or stuck in a campsite that you wish you could escape from. This lifestyle truly is freeing. It opens up your eyes to what makes you tick and brings out the strength and moxie you might not have known you had.

How long has it been since you saw a sunset or sunrise? When was the last time you were outside and felt like crying because it was so perfectly beautiful? Have you ever experienced the dichotomy of the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean? If you have spent years under fluorescent lights, under time constraints of work and putting other people before you then you need to be set free. Vanabode is your answer. No reservations needed. Every day is a new beginning to enjoy this beautiful earth so why spend unwanted time in a campsite.

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