how to live, travel and explore the world from your van


Camping for most people means setting up a tent in a crowded campground during summer vacation. You are forced to sleep on the hard ground and need a flashlight to walk to the outhouse just to find yourself on the spiders and creepy crawlers. The hiking trails are filled with crowds of people trying to squeeze in nature to make up for living under fluorescent lights the other 360 days a year. Every day while camping you are sweaty, dirty, and stinky. And by the end of your vacation you are tired, short tempered and needing a vacation from your vacation. You might ask, isn't that the way everybody goes camping? Heck no. And I'm here to explain to you the alternative to camping. It's called Vanabode.

van camping food picture

Photo shows what we eat when we aren't chomping on sweet little grilled ribeyes or lobster chops broiled in a saucer of butter cream. Traveling all over in the Vanabode lifestyle allows you to find, afford and purchase high quality, organic, specialty foods sold in farmers markets like the ones shown above, fresh grapefruit, heirloom and grape tomatoes, sugar snap peas, avocado, dates, olive oil, and both goat and sheep cheeses. If you Vanabode you will eat better than you ever have.

Vanabode lets you camp anywhere anytime. You are on your own schedule and not on the schedule of the campgrounds. You decide where you want to be at what time you want to be there. You see every place can be a campground when you follow the Vanabode strategies. Therefore you will feel more relaxed to enjoy your weekend trip, week long vacation or three month long summer vacation. What ever turns you on.

It is not necessary to leave all your urban luxuries behind while vacationing on a budget. You can still have the most comfortable nights sleep in your own bed and eat the most luxurious of foods. Vanabode allows your dreams to come true. The everyday grind can wear down the fun loving person you really are. What you need is to discover the great outdoors with little discomfort and a whole lot of opportunity. We have worked at making the Vanabode lifestyle something that anyone can achieve costing only $20 a day.

You can attend large open air sporting events or music festivals easier than tent camping. You are never too young or too old to camp, therefore you are never too young or too old to Vanabode. This might sound corny but the latter is the easiest and safest way of camping in a national park, oceanfront or any big city. What you are looking for when searching the word camping is a place that you have never experienced before. Some place new and romantic. A place where you can make new memories with your family or loved one. You might be surprised to know that that place in your mind could be just an hour from home and in a way you did not see it before. Forget about structured camping and following the pack weekend after weekend. Blaze your own trail the Vanabode way. You'll be a much happier person for it. Spend your precious time discovering life to the fullest and not following the crowds to dirt patches camping.

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