how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Love of Money

Love of money: is the desire to control things. One does not lovingly caress a handful of $100 dollar bills because they are pretty or nice to the touch. Rather one gets excited because they can control portions of their life with that wad of cash. When everyone else is eating burgers and fries, the one with the money can choose to eat steak and lobster. When everyone else is renting a one bedroom apartment in a crowded building, the one with the money can purchase a mansion on the lake.

So if you love money what you have just read is the good news. That's all the good news there is. "Well isn't that enough?" you ask. "I like being in control. I like doing what I want when I want. The power to control the people, objects and elements around you with money must be life's greatest pleasure right?" Wrong. Here's why.

1) We never own anything. This issue is hammered home in the Vanabode book where a complete and concise explanation of this most important of facts is revealed. If you disagree with this statement "we never own anything" and you think you really do own something, then you absolutely MUST get your own copy of Vanabode. This is a core precept that will save you hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours of heartache over the course of your life. Understanding this will put you far ahead of your peers and serve to give you a sense of peace unobtainable without it.

2) You control nothing once dead. Every dollar you have with you when you die represents missed opportunities, and wasted hours and years of life that you will never get back. Example: a man works 50 years in a factory, saving $1,000 a year so at age 70 he retires with $50,000 plus interest. Then he dies a year later. Each of the 50 years of working the job he hated served to do nothing more than feed, clothe and house him so he could continue working the next year. The 50,000 in savings that he thought he was really working for was never his. His time was the only thing that was really his. And this most precious gift was wasted, traded for the love of money in the bank that he never got the chance to use.

3) Money is an illusion. Ask any poor person what they want more of and they usually answer "money". Ask any rich person the same question and they NEVER answer money. They usually reveal this profound truth. They wish for more time: time with friends; time with family; free time away from business and the management of their complicated lives.

I am not preaching AT you. I am writing about this subject because I have made this worst mistake of all myself. I have spent considerable portions of my time and life in the fruitless pursuit of more money, control, and power. I have put the important things in life second. I have invested in America's lies and paid the consequences for it. I have learned this lesson late, at age 44, but better now than later. If you need help with these issues get the book or at least email me so I can help.

Facts from God on the issue. My thoughts follow each passage in italics.

Matthew 6:19-20 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Here God makes the simple and direct point that most people over the age of 25 realize all to well. Whatever you have, own, control, or possess is never completely safe from natural disasters, theft, lawsuits, creditors, rot, rust, depreciation, weather damage, or accidental destruction. Consequently God instructs us to "store up treasure in heaven" where one can avoid all these negative inevitables. One does this by doing the work of God: worship, giving to the poor, helping the fatherless, putting others before yourself, etc.

Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Here God is very direct. If you spend the majority of your time and effort going to school (so you can earn more money later), working a job, and investing your money, then you cannot be serving God at the same time. It is impossible. Period. No gray area. There is no room for both at the top of your list of priorities. The key here is to find a balance. One should seek to work just enough to meet ones immediate needs, and save a little, while spending a greater amount of time serving God's interests.

oregon morning on a quiet beach picture during a Vanabode trip

This photo was taken on a quiet morning snuggled into the chilly rocks on Oregon's pretty coast. Vanabode now and you will have a much better chance of getting to spend your most precious resource: your time, doing what you really want to do.

And most of all, if you have made the mistakes I have made don't fret. You can free yourself now. Most all of us have been tortured at one time or another by the love of money.

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