how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Free Government Supported Wireless Phone
and Free Monthly Service Plan

Under this program you can get a modern, reliable, free cell phone mailed to your address along with free monthly minutes for both talk and text. This is one more cost reducing plan in the Vanabode strategies I have come up with, to help you keep your overhead to a bare minimum, while still having everything you need to be comfortable and healthy.

SAFELINK WIRELESS® service is a program for Income eligible households provided by TracFone Wireless, Inc. In order to participate in the SAFELINK WIRELESS® service, persons must meet certain eligibility requirements set by each State where the service is to be provided. These requirements are based on a person’s participation in a state or Federal support programs or by meeting the Income Poverty Guidelines as defined by the U.S. Government. SAFELINK WIRELESS® service is limited to one person per address.

In some states the program may operate under different names but it is offered in EVERY STATE. If you do not find the program in your area using this link then use your search engine to find the program name and which company administers it in your area.

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